Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
August 28, 2024 Launches Unique Fantasy Football Game


  • offers a unique twist on fantasy football, allowing users to win based on losing, giving a competitive advantage to those who enjoy a contrarian approach to the game.
  • The app simplifies the game by allowing users to select just three NFL teams each week, and uses sixteen categories of futility, making every play worth watching.
  • aims to entertain NFL fans in a unique way by popularizing a new concept that allows players to truly enjoy every play, whether it is a touchdown or a fumble.
  •'s innovative approach to fantasy football, focusing on losing instead of winning, brings a fresh and fun perspective to professional football games.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it introduces a new and innovative approach to fantasy football, allowing users to win based on losing. The partnership between and Better Sports Network aims to popularize this new concept and entertain NFL fans in a unique way, impacting how people watch and enjoy NFL games.

Summary, a new fantasy football game that allows users to win based on losing, launched its brand-new app through the Apple Store, Google Play, and on the web. The game simplifies fantasy football to selecting just three NFL teams each week and uses sixteen categories of futility to make every play worth watching. has partnered with Better Sports Network to create content and promote through their brand This contrarian approach to fantasy football will create a true paradigm shift in how people watch and enjoy NFL games beginning this season.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Launches Unique Fantasy Football Game

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