Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 20, 2024

MS Tech Ltd. Completes Multiple Shipments of Explosives and Narcotics Detection Systems


  • MS Tech Ltd. completed multiple shipments and installations of its EXPLOSCAN, DUOSCAN and THREATSCAN explosives and narcotics trace and vapor detection systems, gaining a competitive edge in the homeland security and defense market.
  • The EXPLOSCAN, DUOSCAN, LIQUISCAN, MULTISCAN, and THREATSCAN are explosive and narcotics trace and vapors detectors that use the innovative HF-QCM nanotechnology sensors, providing self-calibrating and self-cleaning capabilities with high sensitivity and operational availability.
  • MS Tech's explosive detection systems enhance security at aviation security checkpoints, air cargo screening, and border control, making the world a safer place by preventing terrorist attacks and improving operational efficiency.
  • MS Tech's flagship products are ideal for aviation and transportation security, high-threat facilities, military, customs and border control, mail inspection, and cargo screening markets, offering innovative and advanced trace detection capabilities.

Impact - Why it Matters

The deployment of MS Tech's detection systems in response to increased demand due to ongoing events and terrorist attacks is crucial for enhancing security and improving checkpoint throughput and operational efficiency. The reliability and innovative design of the company's flagship products contribute to a completely green and safe working environment, making a significant impact on aviation security, border control, and critical infrastructure sites.


MS Tech Ltd. completed multiple shipments and installations of its EXPLOSCAN, DUOSCAN and THREATSCAN explosives and narcotics trace and vapor detection systems in response to increased demand due to ongoing events and terrorist attacks. The CEO, Doron Shalom, highlighted the reliability of the company's HF-QCM nanotechnology sensors and detection products. MS Tech's flagship products are designed with self-calibrating and self-cleaning capabilities, non-radioactive sensors, and are operational proven in a wide spectrum of temperatures and environmental conditions.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, MS Tech Ltd. Completes Multiple Shipments of Explosives and Narcotics Detection Systems

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