Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
July 31, 2024

InMed Pharmaceuticals Reports Positive Results from Long-Term INM-901 Study for Alzheimer’s Disease


  • InMed Pharmaceuticals reports positive long-term study results for INM-901, potentially giving them an edge in the competitive pharmaceutical market.
  • The study involved seven months of dosing, confirming improvements in cognitive function, memory, and locomotor activity, with further molecular analyses underway.
  • The results show potential in addressing the critical need for effective treatments for Alzheimer's disease, offering hope for better care and quality of life for patients.
  • The study findings demonstrate the potential benefits of INM-901 in improving cognitive function and memory, leading to potential breakthroughs in Alzheimer's treatment.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it highlights potential breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s disease treatment, with InMed Pharmaceuticals showing promising results in improving cognitive function and memory. The positive findings from the long-term study of INM-901 could lead to the development of effective treatments, addressing a critical need in the medical field.


InMed Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: INM), a pharmaceutical company, has reported positive results from a long-term study of INM-901 for Alzheimer’s disease. The study confirmed improvements in cognitive function, memory, and locomotor activity, with potential to address the critical need for effective treatments. Additional molecular analyses are planned to better define the mechanisms of action and potential role of INM-901.

InMed Pharmaceuticals is a global leader in the manufacturing, development, and commercialization of rare cannabinoids and proprietary cannabinoid analogs. The company's pipeline consists of three separate programs in the treatment of Alzheimer’s, ocular, and dermatological indications.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN). Read the source press release here, InMed Pharmaceuticals Reports Positive Results from Long-Term INM-901 Study for Alzheimer’s Disease

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