Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
July 15, 2024

FemSMS Receives Funding to Expand Support for Women in Ukraine


  • FemSMS secures significant funding to expand, giving an advantage in reaching more women and girls affected by war and gender-based violence.
  • FemSMS provides critical resources for women affected by war through trauma-informed messages and social connections.
  • FemSMS makes the world a better place by eradicating information inequality in conflict areas through compassionate language and real-time support for women.
  • FemSMS is a novel approach connecting women in real-time during war and crisis, unmatched in its impact.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it highlights the vital support provided to women in conflict areas, addressing information inequality and trauma through innovative technology and research. It impacts individuals in Ukraine and surrounding regions by providing crucial mental wellbeing support and fostering community engagement amidst ongoing conflict and displacement.


FemSMS, a messaging service for women affected by war, gender-based violence, and forced displacement, has received funding to expand its reach in Ukraine. The project, originally conceived by the non-profit Footage Foundation and launched with seed funding from Project Kesher, has secured significant funding for the next 18 months. The funding will enable the team to conduct research and develop bespoke technology, including creating a special FemSMS app, to share wellbeing and safety information in wartime Ukraine. The service is poised to continue eradicating information inequality in conflict areas through trauma-informed methods.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, FemSMS Receives Funding to Expand Support for Women in Ukraine

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