Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
June 26, 2024

Clene Unveils Long-Term Findings on CNM-Au8 Treatment at ENCALS Meeting


  • Clene presented new findings on CNM-Au8 treatment's impact on survival rates at the ENCALS meeting, providing a competitive edge for potential investors.
  • The presentation showcased long-term survival follow-up data and NfL biomarker results, demonstrating the methodical research process behind the findings.
  • CNM-Au8 treatment's positive impact on survival rates and NfL levels offers hope for combating neurodegenerative diseases, making tomorrow better than today for patients.
  • Clene's unveiling of long-term findings at the ENCALS meeting provides an insightful look into potential advancements in neurodegenerative disease treatment.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it reveals significant data on the impact of CNM-Au8 treatment on ALS survival rates and NfL levels, providing hope for those affected by neurodegenerative diseases.


Clene, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, presented new findings on CNM-Au8 treatment's impact on survival rates and neurofilament light levels from the HEALEY-ALS Platform Trial at the ENCALS meeting in Stockholm, Sweden. The presentation showcased survival follow-up data extending up to 42 months and long-term NfL biomarker results over 76 weeks.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN). Read the source press release here, Clene Unveils Long-Term Findings on CNM-Au8 Treatment at ENCALS Meeting

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