Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
July 27, 2024

Brandon Herrera Named Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits


  • Brandon Herrera's role as Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits gives him a competitive advantage in advocating for term limits.
  • Brandon Herrera's background as an entrepreneur, Second Amendment activist, and social media personality equips him for the role of Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits.
  • Brandon Herrera's efforts to pass term limits for Congress aim to improve government accountability, diversify Congress, and make government work better for all Americans.
  • Brandon Herrera's journey from firearm manufacturing to becoming a leader in the industry is an interesting and educational story of passion and advocacy.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it highlights the need for term limits at the federal level and the efforts to bring accountability and diversity to Congress.


Brandon Herrera has agreed to be the Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits, advocating for term limits at the federal level and working to see Texas adopt a resolution in support of term limits. As an entrepreneur and Second Amendment activist, Herrera brings a unique perspective to the role, aiming to improve government accountability and diversify Congress. U.S. Term Limits President, Philip Blumel, expresses confidence in Herrera's leadership in getting the term limits resolution passed in Texas.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, Brandon Herrera Named Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits

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