Blockchain Registration Transaction Record

Brandon Herrera Named Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits

Brandon Herrera takes on the role of Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits, advocating for term limits at the federal level and working to see Texas adopt a resolution in support of term limits.

Brandon Herrera Named Texas State Chair for U.S. Term Limits

This news matters as it highlights the need for term limits at the federal level and the efforts to bring accountability and diversity to Congress.

Contract Address0x0553B273B8eBf464Bd2a37C259F0eEBb3d70Fd71
Transaction ID0xc6ee5233d039beb1afe12d27261435f56f8e6b39ed12e805d4242338ab48c58f
NewsRamp Digital FingerprinthushJo5G-77c212295f8766883ac84c0a1088637b