Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 03, 2024

Boundless Partners with Falmouth to Bring Fiber-Based Broadband Competition to Cape Cod


  • Boundless is recommended as the preferred provider for bringing fiber broadband competition to the Town of Falmouth, giving them an edge in the market.
  • The Municipal Light Plant conducted a comprehensive multi-year evaluation to determine the best broadband provider for Falmouth, resulting in the recommendation of Boundless.
  • Boundless' partnership with Falmouth will bridge the digital divide, empowering the community with cutting-edge broadband solutions and enhancing accessibility for residents and businesses.
  • Boundless is excited to bring lightning-fast, reliable, fiber-optic broadband to Cape Cod, with the Town of Falmouth leading the way as a model for other communities.

Impact - Why it Matters

The partnership between Boundless and Falmouth represents a significant step toward meeting the demand for affordable, high-speed, fiber-based broadband in the area. This milestone not only enhances broadband competition and accessibility but also sets an example for other communities, demonstrating the potential for expedited deployment of super-fast broadband access.


Boundless is recommended as the preferred provider to bring fiber-optic broadband competition to the Town of Falmouth, with a major boost from the Municipal Light Plant. After a multi-year evaluation of the broadband landscape, Boundless emerged as the frontrunner, exciting both the MLP and Boundless CEO Jeff Seidenfaden. The partnership underscores Boundless’ dedication to bridging the digital divide and empowering communities with cutting-edge broadband solutions.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Boundless Partners with Falmouth to Bring Fiber-Based Broadband Competition to Cape Cod

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