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By: News Direct
April 11, 2024

Kevin. Triumphiert Mit Der Ersten NFC-Transaktion Von Konto Zu Konto Auf Dem iPhone

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In a groundbreaking event that will disrupt the payments landscape in stores, kevin., a pioneer in payment technology, has successfully executed the first-ever NFC transaction from account to account on an iPhone.

Video of the transaction: Link

In a financial world where convenience and security are of utmost importance, kevin. has reached a new milestone by executing the first non-Apple Pay NFC payment from account to account on an iPhone. This technological leap forward follows the pressure from the European Commission on Apple to democratize NFC access. This comes after years in which Apple's strict control over NFC technology in iOS devices had throttled third-party competition.

Pavel Sokolovas, co-founder of kevin., expresses the significance of this moment: "Breaking the last barriers of NFC payments on iOS devices represents a true turning point. We are immensely proud to be the first to enable account-to-account transactions using Apple's NFC, giving consumers the power to choose how they pay."

In January 2022, kevin. made waves by enabling this innovative payment method for Android users, a move praised for its originality and drive towards an open payment ecosystem. Now, in step with regulatory changes, kevin. swiftly gained authorization under Apple's NFC Certificate Key program and began development within their controlled environment.

Just six weeks after the launch of Apple's program, kevin. celebrated the successful execution of the experimental transaction in development mode, paving the way for a revolution in point of sale (POS) interactions.

Sokolovas outlined the technical journey: "We rigorously developed within Apple's architecture framework. Our team worked tirelessly to integrate our kevin. technical solution into Apple's Host Card Emulation (HCE), including security standards, transaction validation, and so much more, to create a seamless experience that allows users to make transactions within their bank or wallet apps."

The European Commission continues to monitor the feedback of early developers like kevin. as it awaits the official start of a broader NFC implementation. This review underscores the Commission's commitment to promoting innovation and fair competition in the mobile payments sector. Looking ahead, the industry expects an increase in similar payment solutions following this initial success. kevin. has indeed set a dominant precedent, making an open market promise where consumers are no longer limited to platform-specific payment systems - a fundamental reshaping of the way transactions are conducted worldwide.

kevin. is a visionary technology company, redesigning payment systems for the needs of tomorrow. From its global headquarters in Europe to its recent expansion into the vibrant financial hub of Dubai, kevin's mission has always been consistent: to provide reliable end-to-end technology and significant savings in transaction fees without changing the way people pay. The introduction of their client-enabled, brand-agnostic network for payment acceptance marks a significant shift for consumers and businesses alike, granting autonomy and value unaffected by the constraints of outdated technology.

Download: Kevin Logo, image of Pavel Sokolovas, and iOS transaction video: Link

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About kevin.

kevin. is a pioneering technology company with the mission of revolutionizing outdated payment systems. With a newly built infrastructure, kevin. makes transactions more efficient, secure, and convenient for digital and physical sales. The company's client-enabled payment acceptance network is brand-neutral, white-labeled, and without intermediaries, granting partners full control over their in-store payment processes. This empowers them to unlock greater value through new services, improved conversion rates, and strengthened customer loyalty.

The kevin. network redefines international payments, ensuring a seamless, secure NFC payment infrastructure from account to account for POS terminals worldwide. This innovation offers a "Tap and Go" experience, compatible with both Android and iOS devices, making international payments as familiar as local ones.

kevin. is backed by Accel, Eurazeo, and other investors, including OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean, and Global Paytech Venture.

Commitment to the Ecosystem

The goal of kevin. is to empower all stakeholders in the payment ecosystem, including banks, digital wallets, retailers, and others. The company enables these entities to launch their own independent non-card schemes or expand their services by connecting to an existing network on the kevin. platform.

Contact Details

NettResults Public Relations

Nick Leighton

+1 949-478-5880

Company Website

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