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By: News Direct
May 13, 2024

Ilika CEO Diskutiert £3,4 Millionen Kapitalerhöhung zur Finanzierung der Entwicklung von Goliath-Festkörperbatterien

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--News Direct--

Ilika PLC CEO Graeme Purdy joined Proactive's Stephen Gunnion with details of a share placing and open offer to retail investors aimed at raising up to £3.4 million.

Purdy explained the capital injection is targeted at furthering the development of its Goliath technology. The company recently entered into a 12-month collaboration with Tata Group subsidiary Agratas to evaluate Goliath technology, during which Ilika intends to achieve its remaining milestones.

Additionally, Ilika plans to use the funds to upgrade its dry room facilities to handle moisture-sensitive materials more effectively. This involves lowering the dew points to reduce environmental humidity, crucial for its leading-edge battery development. The capital will also help in enhancing its testing facilities to accommodate larger battery sizes, which are necessary to meet increased power requirements and customer expectations.

Purdy highlighted key achievements including reaching the D4 development point and approaching the D8 milestone, which is set for Q1 2025. The advancements aim at achieving lithium-ion energy density parity and improving battery performance.

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