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By: News Direct
April 8, 2024

FendX Technologies Innoviert Oberflächenschutz mit Nanotechnologie

--News Direct--

FendX Technologies CEO Carolyn Myers joined Steve Darling from Proactive to share updates about FendX Technologies, a company pioneering the development of nanotechnology-based products designed to protect high-touch surfaces from contamination.

Myers explained that FendX's innovations, licensed from McMaster University nearly four years ago, are focused on creating surfaces to which bacteria, viruses, and organic substances do not adhere, boasting efficacy rates of 95% or higher. These products include a film with an adhesive backing for easy application and a spray offering broader application, both providing 24-hour protection against contaminants.

The company is targeting the healthcare sector, particularly hospitals and long-term care facilities, as well as high-traffic areas such as transportation hubs, schools, and malls. The goal is to mitigate the transmission of potentially lethal pathogens in these environments.

Following a recent private placement, FendX is gearing up for the commercialization of its REPELWRAP Film and advancing the spray to be commercialized in 2025. Ongoing developments in the product lineup are also underway to further combat surface contamination.

Overall, FendX Technologies is focused on leveraging nanotechnology to create innovative solutions for surface protection, aiming to contribute to public health and safety in various sectors.

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Proactive Nordamerika

Proactive Nordamerika

+1 604-688-8158

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