By: NewMediaWire
March 17, 2025
Vanguard Announces Geophysics Results and Issuance of Drill Permits at Redonda Copper Project
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA - March 17, 2025 (NEWMEDIAWIRE) - Vanguard Mining Corp. ("Vanguard" or the "Company") (UUU: CSE) (RECHF: OTC) (SL5: Frankfurt) announces an exploration update from its 2746.46 Hectare Redonda Copper-Molybdenum Project (the “Project”), located within the Vancouver Mining Division of British Columbia.
Precision GeoSurveys (“Precision”) completed an Airborne Geophysical program to cover the project after recent drilling at the project returned up to 142.6 Meters (467.8 of Feet) .279% Cu, .0281% Mo. (See Figure 2 & 3) with surface values, ranging from near surface, 3.1 Meters (10.17 Feet) to 48 Meters (157.4 Feet) of 0.529% CuEq. (See Release)
The company further announces it has received the drill permits to drill on up to 10 drill sites along 5.3 km of road within the high priority zone defined by the airborne results.
The Redonda survey block was flown at 50 m line spacing at a heading of 045°/225°, the tie lines were flown at 500 m spacing at a heading of 135°/315°. The survey ground clearance was 50 m constant height above ground level for a total of 637-line Km.
Figure 1 2024 Airborne Magnetics (RTP) with lineaments
" Copper is nearing $5.00 per lb and Gold has just surpassed $3,000 per ounce. Now is the time to delineate domestic Copper deposits as copper shortfalls loom and the World focuses on domestic supply. I am delighted to share the results of our recent Airborne Geophysical Survey. 90% of the property at Redonda is still not drill tested and with drill permits now in place and geophysical targets to guide us we have a great opportunity to follow up on the 142.6 Meters (467.8 of Feet) of .279% Cu, .0281% Mo drilled in recent years. The redonda project will be the showcase project for our proposed upcoming spin out announced on March 4th, 2024 currently being contemplated to be named Blackstone Copper Corp.”
Precision flew the survey using an Airbus AS350 helicopter, registration C-GSVY. The survey aircraft was equipped with a data acquisition system, GPS navigation system, pilot guidance unit (PGU), laser altimeter, triple magnetic gradient boom system, fluxgate magnetometer, gamma ray spectrometer, barometer, and temperature/humidity probe. In addition, two magnetic base stations were used to record temporal magnetic variations.
Figure 2 2024 Airborne Magnetics (RTP) with 2013 Geology overlain
The geophysical and radiometric data collected was reported in several formats. Digital files have been provided in three formats:
- GDB file for use in Geosoft Oasis Montaj
- XYZ file
- CSV Excel comma-separated file.
As well the data was reported in grid map formats in various digital output formats including KMZ, GeoTIFF, JPEG and PNG. The maps include the following data points:
- Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
- Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI)
- Residual Magnetic Intensity (RMI) – removal of IGRF from TMI
- Reduced to Magnetic Pole (RTP) – reduced to magnetic pole of RMI
- In-Line Gradient (ILG) - measured gradient
- Cross-Line Gradient (XLG) – measured gradient
- Horizontal Gradient (HG) – total magnitude of the measured horizontal gradients (in-line and cross-line)
- Calculated Vertical Gradient (CVG) – first order calculated vertical derivative of RMI Analytic Signal -(AS) – total magnitude of the measured horizontal gradients (in-line and cross-line) and calculated vertical gradient
- Gradient enhanced Total Magnetic Intensity (TMIge)
- Gradient enhanced Residual Magnetic Intensity (RMIge) – subtraction of IGRF from TMIge
- Gradient enhanced Reduced to Magnetic Pole (RTPge) – reduced to magnetic pole of RMIge
- Potassium – Percentage (%K)
- Thorium – Equivalent Concentration (eTh)
- Uranium – Equivalent Concentration (eU)
- Total Count (TC) – Natural Air Absorbed Dose Rate
-Total Count – Exposure Rate (TCexp)
- Potassium over Thorium Ratio (%K/eTh)
- Potassium over Uranium Ratio (%K/eU)
- Thorium over Uranium Ratio (eTh/eU)
- Ternary Image (TI)
For the purposes of this survey, airborne total magnetic, gradient magnetic and radiometric data were collected to serve in geological mapping and optimize the location of future drill sites. The magnetic data shows strong correlation with well defined geological domain boundaries and mapped contacts. There is a distinct northeast-southwest major fault zone on the southeast of the known mineralized trend with apparent right lateral off-set. This is orthogonal to the dominant northwest-southeast topographic and geological regional grain of the coast area.
A visual review of the GeoTIFF formatted airborne magnetic and radiometric survey maps, which were underlain in QGIS software below some of the historical data, including the 1979 and 2023 drilling and the 2013 geology plus the topography and more has noted several observations.
In the RTP (Reduced to Pole magnetic intensity) map the historical mapping and drilling are in an area of generally high magnetic intensity. (See Figure 1 for the 2013 geology over the RTP magnetics and Figure 2 for the drilling and RTP magnetics with lineaments) The Calculated Vertical Gradient (See Figure 4) is a map that emphasizes the rate of change of the magnetics between locations. This calculation often makes geological contacts, alteration bands and faults more obvious and is included here to reinforce the observations noted on the RTP maps.
The regional trends of the RTP data show two generally intersecting sets of magnetic trends that are depicted in the figure of the Airborne Magnetics (RTP) with lineaments (Figure 2). One regional set is northeast-southwest trending of generally magnetic lows. These lows are likely faults and/or geological contact related zones, which in the southeastern part of the property is often mimicked by the topography, especially creeks. The other set of trends are northwest-southeast trending. This trend is similar to the regional geology of the Coast Mountain Batholith locally and some regional faults in the area that follow main channels of the coast between islands.
There are several magnetic lows, often circular, within this area that in one location is virtually on top of a unit mapped as quartz diorite porphyry (“QDP”) in 2013 (See Figure 1). This suggests that this QDP unit is low in magnetic minerals, likely little magnetite compared to the surrounding units. The other similar closed lows in the area may also have a similar geological unit underlying them which could correlate with irregular primary barren intrusives characterized by primary biotite.
The potassium counts, as well as calculated uranium and thorium counts, are collected by the gamma ray spectrometer. Potassic alteration (a potassium high) is one the major alteration phases when exploring for porphyry copper-molybdenum deposits. In the local area around the drill holes, potassic alteration shows general arcuate shapes to many of the highs (See Figure 3). There is a local potassic low to the east and south of the historical drill holes as seen in the Airborne Radiometrics - Potassium counts figure. The 2013 geological mapping notes much of this potassic low area is underlain by the quartz diorite altered unit. This unit is noted in 2013 as “Altered quartz diorite with disseminated pyrite and fine magnetite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and molybdenite in fractures and quartz veins”. This is a priority target for future drilling.
This potassic data near the drill holes does not follow the 2013 geological units well reflecting the fact that potassium locally is largely an alteration phase, but given its shape it likely reflects an underlying intrusive unit or former volcanic feeder chamber. This shape is generally seen in the RTP magnetic data. The drill holes were all collared on an arcuate area of enhanced but not high potassic counts related to the edge of this potassic low. This result may reflect potassic highs at depth and is also a priority target for future drilling.
Potassium is often deposited in areas of higher temperature hydrothermal fluids. The other outer edges of this local potassic low may be prospective for copper-molybdenum porphyry mineralization also. As you zoom out of the historical drill area and potassium low, the outer potassium highs more generally reflect the same northeast-southwest and northwest-southeast trends seen in the magnetic data, consistent with the regional geology.
All detectable gamma radiation from Earth materials comes from the natural decay products of three primary radioelements: U, Th, and K. Each individual nuclear species (element) emits gamma rays at one or more specific energies. Of these elements, only potassium (40K) emits gamma energy directly, at 1.46 MeV. Uranium (238U) and thorium (232Th) emit gamma rays through their respective decay series; 214Bi at 1.76 MeV for uranium and 208Tl at 2.61 MeV for thorium. Accordingly, the 214Bi and 208Tl measurements are considered equivalents for uranium (eU) and thorium (eTh), as the daughter products will be in equilibrium under most natural conditions.
The radiometric results for potassium are particularly instructive for vectoring of alteration associated with secondary biotite and K-spar associated with mineralization. There is a distinct secondary trend to the south-southeast from the known copper/moly zone defined from current drilling. This is a high priority target for future drilling.
The total magnetic map and potassium map are shown attached. The entire Airborne Survey will be posted to the Company website.
About Redonda:
The project comprises 9 claims totalling 2746.46ha and is located 40km northeast of Campbell River, BC. Redonda is easily accessed with year-round regularly scheduled barge service out of Campbell River via Marinelink or other contract barging. Access from Redonda Bay is by 5km of recent upgraded logging road. Logging is ongoing and assures a well-maintained complex of forest service roads across the claims. Work proceeded in 2021 under a Letter of Support from the Klahoose First Nation within their Traditional Territory and Free Use Permit, Drill Permit and IP Exemption from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI). Ongoing consultation has concluded with the Homalko First Nation and a permit for additional drill sites is being issued.
The regional setting of the Redonda property is part of the Coast Suture Zone between the Wrangellia Terrane and the Coast Plutonic Complex. In the claims area, Early Cretaceous dioritic intrusive rocks of the Coast Plutonic Complex have been intruded by at least three or more later intrusive units, including a quartz plug, previously interpreted wide hornblende dike which is locally brecciated over its 600 meter exposed length and several smaller feldspar dikes which cut dioritic rocks near the southwest margin of the previously interpreted hornblende-rich body. Higher concentrations of copper-molybdenum mineralization are closely associated with the hornblende dike, particularly in areas where it has been brecciated. The geological setting of the mineralization on the Redonda mineral claims share a number of features similar to those observed at the OKover copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit located 34 km to the southeast, north of Powell River and the Gambier Copper deposit in Howe Sound.
On December 4th, 2024 Vanguard announced Metalurgical flotation test work suggests that the initial samples and exploratory testwork are successful in producing copper recoveries ranging from 94.7 per cent to 96.9 per cent and molybdenum recoveries ranging from 92.2 per cent to 95.6 per cent after five stages of rougher flotation tests.
As of March 14th, 2025 Copper has hit a 2025 High of USD $4.93 per lb and Gold has reached a high of over $3,000 per ounce. Vanguard announced on March 4th, 2024 its intention to spin out the company’s interest in the Redonda project in to “Blackstone Copper Corp”.
Precision GeoSurveys flew the survey using an Airbus AS350 helicopter, registration C-GSVY. The survey aircraft was equipped with a data acquisition system, GPS navigation system, pilot guidance unit (PGU), laser altimeter, triple magnetic gradient boom system, fluxgate magnetometer, gamma ray spectrometer, barometer, and temperature/humidity probe. In addition, two magnetic base stations were used to record temporal magnetic variations.
Reference: Walker, S. P.Geo. and Poon, J. P.Geo., Airborne Geophysical Survey Report, December 2024.
Analytical work for samples was completed by ALS Canada Ltd. an ISO/IEC 17025 2017 Accredited Lab, with sample preparation and geochemical analyses in North Vancouver, BC. Core samples were fine crushed before a 250-gram split was pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Gold was determined for core samples by the PGM-ICP24 procedure which involves fire assay preparation using a 50-gram charge with an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy finish (“ICP-AES”). Multi-element data for 48 elements was determined for all samples by the ME-MS61 procedure, which involves a four-acid digestion followed by ICP-AES and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry.
Rigorous procedures are in place regarding sample selection, collection, chain of custody and data entry. Certified assay standards and blanks are routinely inserted into the sample stream of diamond drill samples to ensure integrity of the assay process. All diamond drill samples referenced in this news release have passed the QA/QC procedures as described above. Core was sampled using a manual splitter, with half of each interval sent to the lab for analysis, and the other half retained with sample intervals marked on the boxes.
Qualified person
The technical disclosure in this release has been read and approved by J. T. Shearer, M.Sc., D.I.C., P.Geo. (BC & Ontario), a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Shearer is not arms length for Vanguard.
About Vanguard Mining Corp.
Vanguard Mining Corp is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on exploring and developing the production of high-value strategic minerals.
All Stakeholders are encouraged to follow the Company on its social media profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
On Behalf of the Board of Directors
“David Greenway”
David Greenway, CEO
For further information, please contact:
Vanguard Mining Corp.
Brent Rusin
Phone: +1 (236) 788-0643
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information
Certain statements in this release are forward-looking statements, which reflect the expectations of management regarding Vanguard’s intention to continue to identify potential transactions and make certain corporate changes and applications. Forward looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions regarding the future. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results, performance, or developments to differ materially from those contained in the statements. No assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will occur or, if they do occur, what benefits Vanguard will obtain from them. These forward-looking statements reflect managements’ current views and are based on certain expectations, estimates and assumptions which may prove to be incorrect. A number of risks and uncertainties could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including Vanguard’s results of exploration or review of properties that Vanguard does acquire. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and Vanguard assumes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results differed from those projected in the forward-looking statements, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.
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