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By: 24-7 Press Release
September 4, 2024

Branch & Dean's Viral Song puts "Us Back in USA"

NASHVILLE, TN, September 04, 2024 /24-7PressRelease/ -- Labor Day for most Americans is a time to remember that we ALL make up the "One Nation Under God" that works together to live this American dream.

However, these days it's hard to feel unity when trying to escape all the political mud-slinging. The sticky negative dirt often leaves "us" the common folk in the middle wearing all the stains. It's no wonder there is a sentiment in millions of American hearts asking the question, "Shouldn't We the People have a say?"

Country Duo Branch & Dean's new song puts into lyrics what so many Americans are feeling right now. "Us Back in USA" has spread like your favorite condiment on a grilled Labor Day hotdog!

It's been played from the lazy day off on the lakes of Minnesota, to the long wakeboarding weekend in Florida, the cornfield cookouts in Nebraska, the sunset siestas on the Cali coast, and everywhere in between. Americans are finding a voice in this song!

Quickly becoming an American anthem, the song says, "Let's put Us back in USA, cause it was US that made it great!" Steve Branch of Branch & Dean says, "It feels like they have forgotten about us, so hopefully this song will remind them."

The song's powerful lyrics and catchy melody have struck a chord with the way many Americans feel today. Dean Scallan of Branch & Dean says, "We have spent our career staying away from political topics of any kind. However, this needed to be said. There are so many people on both sides of the political aisle who feel left without a voice. This song is for them!"

Check out the music video for "Us Back in USA" here:

For more of Branch & Dean visit:

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