Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 26, 2024

YTexas Summit and NFL Alumni Association Host 2024 Business Summit at Cowboys Stadium


  • The 2024 YTexas Summit offers strategic partnerships with the NFL Alumni Association and access to former NFL players.
  • The Summit will host a charity golf tournament, followed by a Business Summit at Cowboys Stadium, with student sponsorship and mentorship.
  • The partnership aims to provide opportunities for high school students to attend the Summit, receive mentorship, and experience business innovation.
  • Former NFL players, including Super Bowl winners and Hall of Famers, will be attending the events, providing a unique networking opportunity.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it showcases the collaboration between YTexas and the NFL Alumni Association to support business growth and provide mentorship opportunities for high school students. The event will also feature former NFL players, offering a unique networking and learning experience for attendees.


The 2024 YTexas Summit and NFL Alumni Association are teaming up to host the 2024 Business Summit at Cowboys Stadium on October 1st, following a charity golf tournament the day before. This year's event will include strategic partnerships with the NFL Alumni Association to sponsor high school students, providing them the opportunity to attend the Summit free of charge and receive mentorship from former NFL players.

YTexas and the City of Arlington are collaborating to enhance business growth and integration for companies entering or expanding in Texas. The Summit will also feature former NFL players including Chris Gronkowski, Dennis Gentry, and Ed “Too Tall” Jones.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, YTexas Summit and NFL Alumni Association Host 2024 Business Summit at Cowboys Stadium

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