Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 05, 2024

Wire Network Open-Sources Blockchain for AI Agent Economy


  • Wire Network introduces the first true third-generation blockchain, built for the emerging AI agent economy.
  • Wire Network open-sourced its Universal Transaction Layer (UTL), designed for the AI agent economy.
  • The UTL enables AI agents to interact across blockchain networks, opening new possibilities for decentralized AI applications.
  • Wire Network's UTL offers speed-of-thought fast transactions and no gas cost.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it introduces a revolutionary blockchain, UTL, tailored for the AI agent economy. It will enable seamless cross-chain transactions and universal interoperability across modern blockchains, opening new possibilities for decentralized AI applications.


Wire Network today open-sourced its Universal Transaction Layer (UTL), the first blockchain designed for the AI agent economy. This third-generation blockchain is purpose-built for the emerging AI agent economy, offering no gas, all chains, and right now transactions. By open-sourcing the UTL, Wire Network invites developers, researchers, and industry stakeholders to explore and contribute to its development.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by BlockchainWire. Read the source press release here, Wire Network Open-Sources Blockchain for AI Agent Economy

blockchain registration record for the source press release.