Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
August 28, 2024

The Print Whisperer Leads 'Walk with Warren' at PRINTING United Expo 2024


  • Warren Werbitt is leading 'Walk with Warren' at PRINTING United Expo 2024, a unique opportunity for printers to engage directly with exhibitors and discover the latest innovations in printing technology.
  • Warren Werbitt's 'Walk with Warren' allows printers to walk the expo floor with him, engage with exhibitors, and exchange industry insights in real time.
  • Warren Werbitt's mission to help small to medium-sized printers succeed and bring them together with vendors to drive the industry forward reflects a collaborative spirit that strengthens the industry.
  • Warren Werbitt, also known as 'The Print Whisperer,' is launching a new book on Amazon, 'Printing’s Alive: A Tale of Ink, Innovation, and Industry Wisdom.'

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it offers print industry professionals the opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools for success, connect with industry leaders, and stay updated with the latest innovations in printing technology.


Warren Werbitt, known as “The Print Whisperer,” is leading “Walk with Warren” at PRINTING United Expo 2024 to help small to medium-sized printers succeed. The event, held from September 10-12 in Las Vegas, Nevada, aims to bring printers together with vendors to ask the right questions, learn as a group, and discover the latest innovations in printing technology. Werbitt is also launching his new book, “Printing’s Alive: A Tale of Ink, Innovation, and Industry Wisdom,” on Amazon, offering valuable insights for print professionals.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by PR Karma. Read the source press release here, The Print Whisperer Leads 'Walk with Warren' at PRINTING United Expo 2024

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