Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
March 20, 2024

Talia's Steakhouse & Bar Prepares for 22nd Year of Glatt Kosher Passover Seders


  • Reserve now for Talia's glatt kosher Passover Seders and meals, seats are filling up quickly and will sell out soon.
  • Talia's Steakhouse & Bar has been serving traditional Passover Seder meals and will do so again for 2024, offering takeout, delivery, and full-service catering.
  • Talia's Steakhouse & Bar provides a welcoming and inclusive environment, catering to Chabad and Satmer Chasidim, Modern Orthodox, secular Jews, non-Jewish customers, and all other ethnic groups.
  • Talia's new sister restaurant, Shawarma Shabazi, will be completely kosher for Passover and will offer delicious, fast-casual shawarma for takeout.

Impact - Why it Matters

The news is important for observant Jews looking for a stress-free way to celebrate the Passover holiday with traditional Seder meals. The availability of takeout, delivery, and catering options provides convenience for those unable to attend in-person. Additionally, the opening of Shawarma Shabazi offers another kosher dining option for the Passover holiday, catering to a wider range of customers.


Talia's Steakhouse & Bar is preparing for the Passover holiday by offering glatt kosher Passover Seders and meals for the 22nd consecutive year. The restaurant will serve traditional Passover Seder meals with Ashkenazi customs, including a variety of dishes such as brisket, Moroccan salmon, lamb stew, and vegetarian options. Talia's new sister restaurant, Shawarma Shabazi, will also be completely kosher for Passover, offering fast-casual shawarma for takeout.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, Talia's Steakhouse & Bar Prepares for 22nd Year of Glatt Kosher Passover Seders

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