Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 17, 2024

SUCCESS® Announces Weekly Bestseller Lists Across Seven Categories


  • Dan Martell's Buy Back Your Time is dominating across multiple categories, providing a wide reach for success-minded individuals.
  • The SUCCESS® platform provides weekly bestseller lists across seven categories, offering current insights into top books shaping success journeys.
  • The bestseller lists contribute to personal and professional development, inspiring individuals to dream big and live their own definition of success.
  • New entries like Supercommunicators and The Anxious Generation are making their mark across multiple categories, reflecting current interests in communication skills and mental health.

Impact - Why it Matters

The bestseller lists provide valuable insights into the books shaping personal and professional development across the nation, reflecting current trends and reader preferences. Whether seeking business, marketing, leadership, entrepreneurship, personal development, or non-fiction, these lists offer a comprehensive view of the latest and most impactful titles.


SUCCESS®, the leading platform for personal and professional growth, announces its weekly bestseller lists across seven categories. This provides readers with the most current insights into the books shaping success journeys across the nation. Kerrie Lee Brown, vice president of media of SUCCESS® Enterprises and editor-in-chief of SUCCESS® magazine, highlights interesting shifts in reader preferences and emerging trends.

The bestseller lists cover categories such as Business, Marketing, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Money, Personal Development, and General Non-Fiction. Notable trends include strong performance of 'Buy Back Your Time' by Dan Martell, dominance of 'Good Energy' by Casey Means and Calley Means in Personal Development, and consistent performers like 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear and 'The Psychology of Money' by Morgan Housel.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, SUCCESS® Announces Weekly Bestseller Lists Across Seven Categories

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