Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
August 07, 2024

Stead: Decentralized Funding Platform for Floating Infrastructure in Southeast Asia


  • Stead offers decentralized funding for floating infrastructure, providing real world returns and mitigating risk to token holders.
  • Stead is a blockchain-based platform allowing crowdsourcing of floating assets, with a deflationary token model backed by real world assets.
  • Stead benefits small businesses in Southeast Asia by funding difficult-to-acquire assets and supports the development of innovative floating communities.
  • Stead introduces NFT-backed ownership and blockchain-powered trading, expanding investment flexibility and transparency in the global boat and seastead market.

Impact - Why it Matters

The concept of seasteading and the decentralized funding platform Stead have the potential to revolutionize real estate on water, benefiting small businesses and offering innovative solutions for floating assets and communities. This news matters as it highlights the possibilities of future seasteads and the impact on real-world returns for token holders.


Stead is a decentralized funding platform for floating infrastructure in Southeast Asia, providing real world returns and mitigating risk to token holders. It allows for the decentralized crowdfunding of floating assets, benefiting small businesses in the Philippines, US, and other countries.

Key features include innovative floating communities, deflationary nature, blockchain powered defi trading, and NFT backed ownership. The token overview reveals a total supply of 5,000,000 tokens, with various allocations.

Stead's strengths lie in its versatility in use, mobility advantage, and increasing real estate on water. The concept of seasteading holds potential for various applications, making it a tantalizing possibility for the future.

About Stead | Coinstore

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by BlockchainWire. Read the source press release here, Stead: Decentralized Funding Platform for Floating Infrastructure in Southeast Asia

blockchain registration record for the source press release.