Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
July 24, 2024

Scinai Immunotherapeutics Receives Positive Regulatory Feedback for Plaque Psoriasis Clinical Trial


  • Scinai Immunotherapeutics anticipates the preclinical trial will start in the second half of 2025, positioning them ahead in the race for new psoriasis treatments.
  • The European equivalent to a pre-IND meeting with the U.S. FDA, the SA with the PEI provides positive regulatory feedback for anti-IL-17A/F nanoAb (SCN-1) in plaque psoriasis phase 1/2a clinical trial.
  • The supportive regulatory summary for Scinai Immunotherapeutics' plans reflects a commitment to faster development of a product that addresses the unmet needs of patients with psoriasis.
  • The PEI agreed with the unmet need of the patients with mild-to-moderate psoriasis for a better therapy and accepted our pre-clinical and clinical plans that will allow faster development of this product.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it shows the progress of a biotechnology company in the development of a potential treatment for plaque psoriasis, a condition with a large unmet medical need. The positive regulatory feedback from the European equivalent to a pre-IND meeting with the U.S. FDA reflects potential advancements in the development of this product, which could significantly impact patients with mild to moderate plaque psoriasis.


Scinai Immunotherapeutics (NASDAQ: SCNI), a biotechnology company, has received positive regulatory feedback from a recent Scientific Advice meeting with the Paul Erlich Institute, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, regarding its anti-IL-17A/F nanoAb (SCN-1) in plaque psoriasis phase 1/2a clinical trial. The company anticipates the preclinical trial will start in the second half of 2025.

Scinai Immunotherapeutics chief scientist Dr. Tamar Ben-Yedidia stated, 'It is encouraging to receive such a supportive regulatory summary for our plans.' The company's business units focus on developing I&I biological therapeutic products and providing CDMO services to biotech drug development companies.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN). Read the source press release here, Scinai Immunotherapeutics Receives Positive Regulatory Feedback for Plaque Psoriasis Clinical Trial

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