Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 16, 2024

SalesNexus Introduces New LinkedIn Enrichment Feature for Free Trial Users


  • Enrich up to 200 LinkedIn connections with valuable contact information for free, giving an edge in lead generation and outreach.
  • Create a free trial on, upload LinkedIn connections, and receive detailed contact information for up to 200 connections.
  • Enriching LinkedIn connections with detailed contact information empowers professionals to build meaningful relationships and increase outreach efficiency.
  • SalesNexus offers a new feature to enrich LinkedIn connections with complete contact data, making lead generation and outreach more efficient.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it provides professionals with a powerful tool to enhance their LinkedIn connections and streamline their outreach efforts. The new feature enables users to efficiently expand their marketing and sales outreach with enriched data, ultimately saving time and effort in the lead generation process.


SalesNexus, a leading CRM and email marketing solution, has unveiled a new feature for users signing up for a free trial: the ability to enrich LinkedIn connections with valuable contact information, including email addresses, phone numbers, and more. This enhancement aims to help professionals build their network and streamline their outreach, empowering users to take their lead generation to the next level. The feature makes it easier for businesses to target leads, engage in personalized outreach, and accelerate the sales process.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, SalesNexus Introduces New LinkedIn Enrichment Feature for Free Trial Users

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