Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 04, 2024

Renowned Print Expert Warren Werbitt Releases Debut Book and Leads Industry Event at PRINTING United Expo 2024


  • Warren Werbitt's debut book offers valuable insights for print professionals, giving a competitive advantage in the industry.
  • The book provides practical advice and strategies for leadership and innovation in the print world.
  • Warren Werbitt's book celebrates the enduring power of print and inspires the next generation of printers to embrace innovation.
  • Participants at PRINTING United Expo 2024 can walk the floor with Warren Werbitt, gaining invaluable industry insights in real time.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters to anyone in the printing industry, as it provides actionable insights, strategies, and inspiring stories from one of the industry's most influential voices. The book and the PRINTING United Expo 2024 offer an opportunity for print professionals to gain valuable industry insights and engage with industry leaders, ultimately driving the industry forward.


Warren Werbitt, known as “The Print Whisperer,” announces the release of his debut book, “Printing’s Alive: A Masterclass in Ink, Innovation, and Industry Impact,” filled with insights, strategies, and inspiring stories from the print industry. The book is designed for both seasoned professionals and newcomers, offering business transformation strategies that can make a lasting impact. It is now available for purchase on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Werbitt will also be a key figure at PRINTING United Expo 2024, spearheading “Walk with Warren,” an exclusive opportunity for printers to engage with exhibitors and gain invaluable industry insights.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by PR Karma. Read the source press release here, Renowned Print Expert Warren Werbitt Releases Debut Book and Leads Industry Event at PRINTING United Expo 2024

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