Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 23, 2024

Psychedelic Passage and Miraculix Collaborate to Enhance Safety in Psychedelic Therapy


  • Psychedelic Passage and Miraculix collaborate to improve safety in psychedelic therapy, giving clients a competitive edge with advanced scientific analysis and technologies.
  • Psychedelic Passage tailors each client's journey and incorporates Miraculix's scientific expertise and analysis technologies to enhance safety and effectiveness in psychedelic therapy.
  • The collaboration aims to empower individuals with safe, meaningful, and sacred psychedelic experiences, while contributing to global psychedelic research for a better tomorrow.
  • Join the latest episode of the Psychedelic Passage podcast featuring Dr. Felix Blei for an interesting discussion on the science of mushroom potency and effects.

Impact - Why it Matters

The collaboration between Psychedelic Passage and Miraculix introduces an innovative initiative to improve the safety and effectiveness of psychedelic journeys. This partnership not only enriches personal experiences but also adds valuable data to global psychedelic research, empowering individuals with scientific knowledge and enhancing harm reduction.


Psychedelic Passage and Miraculix are collaborating to improve safety in psychedelic therapy by integrating Miraculix’s scientific expertise and analysis technologies. Psychedelic Passage connects clients with pre-vetted psychedelic facilitators, tailoring each client's journey and educating the community. Miraculix specializes in the analysis of psychoactive substances and delivers precise analysis crucial for safe psychedelic use and accurate dosage determination.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, Psychedelic Passage and Miraculix Collaborate to Enhance Safety in Psychedelic Therapy

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