Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
June 29, 2024

Over One-Third of Canadians Prioritize Estate Planning in 2021


  • Get ahead by planning your estate early and efficiently, ensuring your assets go where you want them to.
  • Estate planning involves pre-arranging your finances and assets through various legal and financial strategies to ensure your wishes are carried out.
  • Estate planning helps ease the burden on loved ones, ensures your assets go to the right people, and can implement tax-saving strategies to leave more for your heirs.
  • Did you know that estate planning can include creating a legal will online in about 20 minutes with the help of a reputable online will platform?

Impact - Why it Matters

Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial planning that ensures a smooth transfer of assets to loved ones and helps avoid potential legal and financial complications. The survey results highlight the growing awareness of the importance of end-of-life planning, urging individuals to take proactive steps to secure their financial future and protect their families.


A survey from Willful, a leading digital estate planning company, reveals that 37% of Canadians prioritize end-of-life planning in 2021. The article provides a comprehensive guide to estate planning, covering the importance of estate planning, the process of developing an estate plan, critical components such as legal wills, trusts, and power of attorney, and the impact of taxation on estate planning. It emphasizes the necessity of planning ahead and utilizing online resources to ensure a timely and tax-efficient transfer of assets to loved ones.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Over One-Third of Canadians Prioritize Estate Planning in 2021

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