Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
June 24, 2024

OpenAI's ChatGPT Gaining Momentum as Major Companies Embrace AI


  • Companies like Microsoft, Shutterstock, and Bain & Company are adopting ChatGPT, giving them a competitive advantage in AI technology.
  • OpenAI's ChatGPT uses generative AI to enhance customer service, productivity, and operational efficiencies for businesses.
  • In the right hands, AI technology like ChatGPT and BEN's AI assistants can improve customer experiences, transform industries, and enhance patient outcomes.
  • Survey shows that 52% of Americans are more concerned than excited about the increased use of AI, reflecting a growing public concern about the role of artificial intelligence.

Impact - Why it Matters

The increasing adoption of AI by major companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Shutterstock will have a profound impact on various industries. However, concerns about the negative aspects of AI are growing, highlighting the need for responsible and secure AI solutions like those offered by Brand Engagement Network Inc. (BEN).


OpenAI, the brains behind ChatGPT, is gaining traction as major companies like Microsoft, Shutterstock, and Bain & Company adopt this revolutionary technology. Even Apple, which has been slower to embrace AI, recently announced a partnership with OpenAI to integrate ChatGPT into Siri. However, concerns about the negative aspects of AI are on the rise, with a Pew Research survey finding that 52% of Americans are more concerned than excited about the increased use of AI.

In the right hands, AI can bring significant improvements to industries. Brand Engagement Network Inc. (BEN) is a prime example, using generative AI and AI avatars to enhance customer service and productivity. BEN's focus on security and reliability has attracted partnerships with companies like MedAdvisor Solutions and Provana.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, OpenAI's ChatGPT Gaining Momentum as Major Companies Embrace AI

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