Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 08, 2024

Ocurate Revolutionizes Ad Campaigns with 15%+ Increase in ROAS


  • Ocurate's Machine Learning technology increases ROAS by 15%+, giving consumer brands a competitive advantage in ad campaigns.
  • Ocurate's solution uses real-time customer data and deep ML to predict per-customer revenues, validating predictions to be 90%+ accurate.
  • Ocurate's technology makes the world a better place by increasing profits for ecommerce companies and revolutionizing ad campaigns for consumer brands.
  • Ocurate's proprietary Machine Learning technology supercharges Google's and Meta's ad platforms, leading to outsize results for trusted partners like Curology.

Impact - Why it Matters

Ocurate's technology is a game-changer for consumer companies, addressing the low and unpredictable Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) and increasing profits from digital customer acquisition. The 15%+ increase in ROAS for leading ecommerce company Curology translates to a $902K lift, demonstrating substantial and measurable impact on the bottom line. This news signifies a significant shift in the consumer industry's approach to ad campaigns and customer acquisition.


Ocurate's solution leverages Machine Learning for customer value and integrates into advertising platforms, increasing the Return on ad spend (ROAS) by 15%+. Ocurate's real-time Machine Learning for per-customer revenues (LTV) supercharges Google's and Meta's value-based bidding (VBB) technology, increasing return on ad spend(ROAS) by 15%+. These results revolutionize ad campaigns for most consumer brands.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, Ocurate Revolutionizes Ad Campaigns with 15%+ Increase in ROAS

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