Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 24, 2024

Ocean Power Technologies Unveils Next-Gen Buoy Systems


  • Ocean Power Technologies launches new buoy systems, giving them an edge in renewable energy technology.
  • The new buoy systems accommodate solar panels, wind turbines, and a wave power cartridge, expanding deployment options worldwide.
  • The new buoy systems contribute to zero-carbon solutions and the health of oceanic ecosystems, advancing renewable energy and addressing environmental challenges.
  • The modular, common equipment system of the new buoy systems eliminates the need for moving parts, reducing costs and expanding deployable areas.

Impact - Why it Matters

The launch of the new buoy systems represents a significant milestone for Ocean Power Technologies, showcasing the company's commitment to advancing renewable energy technology. This innovation aligns with the global focus on zero-carbon solutions and the health of oceanic ecosystems, positioning Ocean Power Technologies as a key player in renewable energy conversations.


Ocean Power Technologies CEO Philipp Stratmann announced the launch of a new generation of buoy systems, featuring significant advancements in renewable energy technology. The innovative buoy systems can accommodate multiple renewable energy sources and boast a modular, common equipment system. This design change enhances deployment flexibility worldwide, reduces costs, and expands deployable areas to include regions with variable wave activity and even areas where wave power is absent.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Ocean Power Technologies Unveils Next-Gen Buoy Systems

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