Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 15, 2024

New Poetry Collection 'Soul Sold' Offers Raw and Emotional Journey of Healing


  • Readers can gain emotional depth and self-discovery through Beth E. Aubut's poetry collection, Soul Sold.
  • Soul Sold delves into addiction, betrayal, and emotional survival, offering an unfiltered view of the author's personal journey.
  • Beth E. Aubut's Soul Sold offers readers a safe space for emotional release, comfort, and empowerment, tackling universal themes head-on.
  • Aubut's spontaneous and authentic style in Soul Sold mirrors the unflinching honesty found in other healing poetry collections.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it introduces a new voice in contemporary poetry, offering readers a safe haven for their emotions and a journey of healing. The collection tackles universal themes of trauma, mental health, and addiction recovery, providing comfort and empowerment to those on a journey of self-discovery.


In the world of contemporary poetry, Beth E. Aubut presents her powerful new poetry collection, Soul Sold, which delves into themes of addiction, betrayal, and emotional survival. The collection is available now at and offers readers an honest, unfiltered view of the author's personal journey. Readers of Rupi Kaur and Amanda Lovelace will find a similarly raw and emotional experience in Soul Sold, much like the intense reflections found in Aubut's newest release. The collection stands apart as a deeply personal work that invites readers to confront difficult truths about trauma, mental health, and addiction recovery.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, New Poetry Collection 'Soul Sold' Offers Raw and Emotional Journey of Healing

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