Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
May 17, 2024

Neural Therapeutics CEO Ian Campbell Discusses Potential CSE Listing and Future Plans


  • Neural Therapeutics gains strategic advantage by listing on the Canadian Securities Exchange, enabling broader market participation and capitalisation.
  • The CSE listing allows Neural Therapeutics to raise $500,000 for research, development, and securing intellectual property, including two patents.
  • Neural Therapeutics aims to address the mental health crisis with psychedelic treatments, offering a promising and disruptive alternative to outdated therapies.
  • Neural Therapeutics specializes in mescaline extracted from the San Pedro cactus, highlighting its unique properties for potential mental illness treatment without hallucinations.

Impact - Why it Matters

The conditional approval for Neural Therapeutics to list on the Canadian Securities Exchange represents a significant opportunity for the company to raise funds, accelerate drug development, and address the growing interest in psychedelic treatments. This move could have a substantial impact on mental health treatment and the investment landscape.


Neural Therapeutics CEO Ian Campbell has received conditional approval to list on the Canadian Securities Exchange (CSC), aiming to raise $500,000 for research and development, and securing intellectual property, including two patents. Campbell emphasized the growing interest in psychedelic treatments and the mental health crisis, positioning psychedelics as a promising and disruptive alternative. Neural Therapeutics specializes in mescaline extracted from the San Pedro cactus, with unique properties supporting potential treatment for mental illnesses like addiction without causing hallucinations. The CSE listing is expected to enhance visibility, attract investment, and accelerate drug development.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Neural Therapeutics CEO Ian Campbell Discusses Potential CSE Listing and Future Plans

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