Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
July 12, 2024

Mosquito Control Urgent as Virginia Faces Worst Season: Diamond Exterminators Provides Relief


  • Diamond Exterminators offers comprehensive mosquito control services, giving residents an advantage in combating the worst mosquito problems in Virginia.
  • Diamond Exterminators uses advanced treatment programs and valuable tips to reduce mosquito populations, providing a systematic approach to mosquito control.
  • Diamond Exterminators' commitment to safe and effective solutions ensures that residents can enjoy outdoor spaces without the constant nuisance of mosquitoes, making tomorrow better than today.
  • Mosquitoes are proving to be a bigger nuisance than ever in Virginia, with Diamond Exterminators stepping up to provide relief with their comprehensive mosquito control services.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it highlights the urgent need for mosquito control in Virginia due to the severe mosquito problem and the potential increase in West Nile Virus cases. Residents can benefit from the comprehensive mosquito control services and expert tips provided by Diamond Exterminators to protect themselves and their families from the health risks associated with mosquitoes.


This year, mosquitoes are proving to be a bigger nuisance than ever, particularly in Virginia. Multiple cities in Virginia have made the top list for the worst mosquito problems, with Norfolk ranking in the top 25 worst cities for mosquitos. Diamond Exterminators, a leader in pest control services, is stepping up to help residents combat this growing issue with their comprehensive mosquito control services. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the total human disease count of West Nile Virus (WNV) in 2023 was over 2,400, with 47 states, including Virginia, reporting cases. Experts warn that the problem could be even worse this year due to the mild and wet winter, making mosquito control more crucial than ever. Connor Eason, Vice President of Diamond Exterminators, commented, “We recognize the heightened problems mosquitoes are causing this year. Balancing a treatment program that effectively controls mosquitoes while protecting pollinators is crucial. Significant advances in mosquito control have introduced safe alternatives. However, effective control involves more than just spraying; a skilled exterminator can also help you find simple ways to reduce the mosquito population and recommend natural alternatives.” Diamond Exterminators not only offers advanced mosquito treatment programs but also provides valuable tips for homeowners to reduce mosquito populations in their yards. As mosquito problems continue to rise, Diamond Exterminators remains committed to providing safe and effective solutions for the community. Their comprehensive approach to mosquito control ensures that residents can enjoy their outdoor spaces without the constant nuisance of mosquitoes.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Mosquito Control Urgent as Virginia Faces Worst Season: Diamond Exterminators Provides Relief

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