Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 23, 2024

Local Organizations Come Together to Provide Life-Changing Gift to Deserving Veteran


  • Donation of a motorized wheelchair to a deserving veteran by Share the Will Foundation and partners provides a compassionate advantage.
  • The motorized wheelchair donation offers Mr. Prue increased mobility for his upcoming Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. in October.
  • The initiative demonstrates the meaningful impact of community collaboration in providing freedom and dignity to deserving veterans like Mr. Prue.
  • The collaborative effort to provide a motorized wheelchair to Mr. Prue showcases the power of community support for local veterans.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it highlights the impactful collaboration of local organizations in providing essential support to deserving veterans. It emphasizes the importance of community partnerships in making a lasting impact on the lives of local veterans and seniors. The initiative serves as a reminder of how a united community can truly change lives.


During a heartfelt gathering at the Honor Flight Austin meeting, Will Williams of the Share the Will Foundation, in partnership with A Place At Home - North Austin, Sertoma, American Legion, Boy Scouts, and other local groups, donated a motorized wheelchair to a deserving veteran, Mr. Prue. This life-changing gift will grant him the freedom to move with ease as he prepares for his Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., in October. The initiative demonstrates how organizations like A Place At Home - North Austin, through community collaboration, are making a lasting impact on the lives of local veterans and seniors.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, Local Organizations Come Together to Provide Life-Changing Gift to Deserving Veteran

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