Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 25, 2024

Lisa Moretti Calls for Responsible and Community-Focused Development Planning in Pasco County


  • Lisa Moretti's plan prioritizes the needs of residents over out-of-town developers, giving the community a competitive advantage in responsible and community-focused planning.
  • Moretti's vision includes comprehensive rules for development that align with the community's needs and values, holding developers accountable, protecting natural resources, balancing growth with infrastructure, and resident-centric planning.
  • Moretti's approach aims to make Pasco County a better place by ensuring sustainable development that preserves natural resources, protects the community's identity, and empowers residents in the planning process.
  • Moretti's call for sustainable growth in Pasco County has sparked a conversation about responsible development and the impact on the community, making it an important topic for local residents and businesses.

Impact - Why it Matters

Unchecked growth in Pasco County has led to overcrowded schools, increased traffic, and higher taxes, impacting the quality of life for residents. Lisa Moretti's advocacy for responsible development planning aims to address these issues and prioritize the needs of the community over corporate interests.


Lisa Moretti, candidate for Pasco County Commissioner, is advocating for responsible and community-focused development planning to address the negative impact of unchecked growth. She emphasizes the need for stronger rules and regulations to prioritize the needs of residents over out-of-town developers.

Moretti's vision includes holding developers accountable, protecting natural resources, balancing growth with infrastructure, and ensuring resident-centric planning. She believes that sustainable growth is crucial to preserving Pasco County’s identity and long-term well-being.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, Lisa Moretti Calls for Responsible and Community-Focused Development Planning in Pasco County

blockchain registration record for the source press release.