Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
May 08, 2024

Lionheart Health and ElectroMedical Technologies Announce Strategic Partnership


  • Lionheart Health gains a significant advantage through strategic partnership with EMED, expanding market reach and treatment modalities.
  • Lionheart Health's bioelectric controlled protein expressions and EMED's Bioelectronics stimulation equipement combine to enhance healthcare and treatment modalities.
  • Lionheart Health and EMED's partnership aims to revolutionize healthcare, extending healthspan longevity and providing superior results and solutions for patients.
  • Lionheart Health's groundbreaking innovations in bioelectric controlled protein expressions and EMED's advanced Bioelectronics stimulation equipment are reshaping the healthcare landscape.

Impact - Why it Matters

The partnership between Lionheart Health and ElectroMedical Technologies has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, extending healthspan longevity for a growing number of people worldwide. This collaboration will accelerate the development and availability of innovative bioelectronic stimulation devices and products, with the goal of reversing aging and staving off aging-related ailments. The integration of Lionheart Health's patented software with EMED's advanced technology will provide superior results and solutions for patients across a wide range of applications.


Privately held Lionheart Health, Inc., a trailblazing innovator in bioelectric controlled protein expressions and bioelectric enhanced biologics for tissue and organ regeneration with over 700 patent claims, has announced a strategic partnership with ElectroMedical Technologies, Inc. (EMED) a public company that is a pioneer and developer of advanced Bioelectronics stimulation equipment with decades of expertise. EMED brings to the table an established sales rep network covering all 50 states in the U.S. and a unique platform for electrical stimulation products manufacturing and development featuring the new Wellness Pro Infinity™ device. Lionheart Health, Inc. has developed, patented, sourced and has brought to market a full pipeline of unique products in regenerative aesthetics, sports rehabilitation and healthspan longevity extension. Lionheart Health plans to open up 124 Lionheart Longevity & Wellness MedSpas around the world over the next 60 months. All 124 locations will feature the EMED Infinity™ technology platform programmed with the Lionheart Health proprietary software of precise bioelectric signaling sequences.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, Lionheart Health and ElectroMedical Technologies Announce Strategic Partnership

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