Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
August 26, 2024

Kula and Aegis Prime Collaborate to Revolutionize Underground Asset Tokenization


  • Kula's collaboration with Aegis Prime revolutionizes underground asset tokenization, providing potential profit upside for investors.
  • Underground asset tokenization combines blockchain technology with physical mining, introducing voting rights and fractional asset ownership.
  • The partnership aims to empower local communities, enforce ESG goals, and create opportunities for sustainable development in the mining industry.
  • This innovative collaboration between Kula and Aegis brings unparalleled transparency, inclusivity, and efficiency to the mining industry.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it introduces a groundbreaking partnership between Kula and Aegis Prime to revolutionize underground asset tokenization, bringing transparency, inclusivity, and efficiency to the mining industry. This collaboration aims to democratize access to mining rights, create opportunities for sustainable development, and empower local communities to participate in the capital appreciation of mining projects.


Kula, a pioneering leader in blockchain technology, announces an exciting collaboration with Aegis Prime (“Aegis”), an affiliated company of Aegis Custody, a distinguished asset custodian for its tokenization platform, to revolutionize underground asset tokenization to foster ESG and sustainability. This groundbreaking partnership aims to combine the power of blockchain with the intricacies of physical mining, bringing unparalleled transparency, inclusivity, and efficiency to the mining industry. Traditional mining processes often proceed without meaningful community involvement, leaving local stakeholders displaced and disenfranchised. Kula and Aegis seek to change this paradigm by introducing underground asset tokenization, which represents ownership rights to real-world assets as digital tokens on a blockchain. By introducing voting rights around asset ownership, ESG goals can be enforced by all parties involved. This innovative approach allows for fractional asset ownership, efficient trading, and most importantly, empowers local communities to participate in the capital appreciation of mining projects and to have a voice in the entire process. "The collaboration between Kula and Aegis marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of the natural resource industry," said Samuel Chen, Co-founder of Kula. "By tokenizing underground assets, we are democratizing access to mining rights and creating opportunities for sustainable development that benefit all stakeholders." Underground asset tokenization offers numerous advantages, particularly when applied to illiquid assets such as natural resources. By breaking down ownership into smaller, divisible units represented by digital tokens, investors gain exposure to potential profit upside while reducing payout time. This innovative approach enables early investors to realize returns sooner, thereby accelerating the growth and profitability of mining projects. "Our partnership with Kula represents a significant step forward in the advancement of tokenization technology," said Serra Wei, Founder of Aegis Custody. "Together, we are pioneering a new era of transparency, accountability, and sustainability in the natural resource industry, where token holders become stakeholders in the responsible stewardship of the earth's resources." Through the use of blockchain technology, the entire tokenization process is transparent, immutable, and accessible to all stakeholders. By listing tokenized assets on regulated exchanges, Kula and Aegis further enhance the legitimacy and governance of these assets, fostering a culture of responsible resource management and environmental stewardship. As Kula and Aegis embark on this transformative journey, they invite stakeholders from all sectors to join them in shaping the future of underground asset tokenization. Together, we can harness the power of blockchain technology to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous world for generations to come. For more information about Kula and Aegis, please visit:

Content person name: Samuel Chen Company name: Co-founder, KulaDAOE-mail:  Web url: http://AegisCustody.comContent person name: Serra WeiCompany name: Founder of Aegis Custody E-mail:

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by BlockchainWire. Read the source press release here, Kula and Aegis Prime Collaborate to Revolutionize Underground Asset Tokenization

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