Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 11, 2024

kevin. Breaks Ground with First-Ever iPhone NFC Transaction


  • kevin. has disrupted the in-store payment landscape with the first-ever account-to-account NFC transaction on an iPhone.
  • kevin. executed the first non-Apple Pay account-to-account near-field communication (NFC) payment on an iPhone by integrating their technical solution within Apple host card emulation (HCE).
  • kevin.'s breakthrough represents a fundamental reshaping of how transactions are conducted worldwide, promising an open market where consumers are no longer limited by device-specific payment platforms.
  • kevin. has revolutionized legacy payment systems with a groundbreaking account-to-account NFC transaction on an iPhone, setting a dominant precedent in the industry.

Impact - Why it Matters

The news of kevin.'s successful account-to-account NFC transaction on an iPhone is important as it marks a significant leap forward in the in-store payment landscape. This event promises an open market where consumers are no longer limited by device-specific payment platforms, reshaping how transactions are conducted worldwide and providing greater autonomy and value for both consumers and businesses.


In a groundbreaking event, kevin., a pioneer in payment technology, has successfully conducted the first-ever account-to-account NFC transaction on an iPhone, disrupting the in-store payment landscape. This technological leap forward follows the European Commission’s pressure on Apple to democratize NFC access, and comes after years in which Apple's strict control over NFC technology in iOS devices had stifled third-party competition. kevin. has now set a dominant precedent, promising an open market where consumers are no longer limited by device-specific payment platforms.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, kevin. Breaks Ground with First-Ever iPhone NFC Transaction

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