Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 06, 2024

Investments & Wealth Institute Wins Best in Industry Association in the 2024 Wealthie Awards


  • The Investments & Wealth Institute wins Industry Association category in the 2024 Industry Awards, showcasing its premier online learning platform.
  • The Academy offers short-form and long-form content, enhancing the multi-modal educational programs for financial advisors.
  • The Academy's commitment to informing expertise and strengthening credentials shapes the future of finance, benefiting advisors and their high-net-worth clients.
  • recognizes the Institute for its outstanding initiatives, contributing to the success of financial advisors and fostering improved outcomes for their clients.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it highlights the Institute's dedication to educating and credentialing financial service professionals, ultimately impacting the expertise and credentials of those who shape the future of finance.


The Investments & Wealth Institute has been recognized as the winner of the Industry Association category in the 2024 Industry Awards for its Investments & Wealth Academy. The Institute's commitment to continually informing the expertise and strengthening the credentials of financial service professionals and advisors has been underscored by this award. The Academy, which offers a one-of-a-kind learning platform, provides access to a diverse range of educational programs for both seasoned and NextGen advisors.

The Institute's CEO, Sean Walters, expressed his honor in receiving the prestigious award and emphasized the Academy's contemporary learning platform as a 'best-in-class' experience. The Industry Awards is the only awards program of its kind to honor outstanding achievements by companies, organizations, and individuals that support financial advisor success. The Institute was selected as the Industry Association winner by a panel of independent judges made up of industry leaders based on both quantitative and qualitative measures.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Investments & Wealth Institute Wins Best in Industry Association in the 2024 Wealthie Awards

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