Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
March 27, 2024

Hydrogen Utopia and Powerhouse Energy CEOs Discuss Joint Hydrogen Facility in Longford


  • Hydrogen Utopia International and Powerhouse Energy CEOs develop joint facility in Longford to convert non-recyclable plastic waste to hydrogen, leveraging strategic location and existing infrastructure.
  • The joint venture includes engineering expertise from Powerhouse Energy and the site contribution from Hydrogen Utopia International, with equal financial contributions and shared development responsibilities.
  • The project aims to revitalize Longford, creating jobs and demonstrating a sustainable energy model, supported by community engagement and efforts to secure additional funding and grants.
  • Longford, historically industrial, faces economic decline, but this project aims to bring new energy solutions and job creation, highlighting the potential of hydrogen technology.

Impact - Why it Matters

The joint venture to develop a hydrogen facility in Longford is a promising step towards sustainable energy solutions and economic revitalization. It aims to address high unemployment and demand for hydrogen in the city, leveraging existing infrastructure and community support. The project signifies a move towards sustainable energy solutions, aiming to demonstrate a successful model for similar projects in Europe.


Hydrogen Utopia International PLC and Powerhouse Energy Group PLC are joining forces to develop a facility in Longford, Republic of Ireland, converting non-recyclable plastic waste to hydrogen. The strategic significance of the project in Longford, identified through the EU's Just Transition Fund for its high unemployment and demand for hydrogen, presents a promising opportunity to revitalize the city. The joint venture entails equal financial contributions and shared development responsibilities, focusing on community engagement and securing additional funding and grants.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Hydrogen Utopia and Powerhouse Energy CEOs Discuss Joint Hydrogen Facility in Longford

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