Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 21, 2024

HWPL World Peace Summit Marks 10th Anniversary with Global Celebrations and Regional Collaboration


  • Participation in the HWPL World Peace Summit provides global networking opportunities and a platform for peace initiatives.
  • The HWPL World Peace Summit focuses on regional collaboration to develop tailored peace strategies and strengthen local networks.
  • The event aims to create a world of peace by promoting dialogue, understanding, and peace education, leaving a legacy for future generations.
  • The HWPL World Peace Summit brings together global leaders and citizens to unite in the service of the greater calling of global peace.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it highlights the ongoing efforts and commitment of global leaders and citizens to promote peace and harmony across the world. The summit's focus on regional collaboration and tailored peace strategies serves as a reminder of the importance of international cooperation in addressing local and global peace threats. The partnerships with G7+ and PALATINO demonstrate a concerted effort to unite conflict-affected countries and promote development within a framework of democracy.


The 10th Anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit is being celebrated in South Korea and 122 countries worldwide, focusing on 'Creating World Peace Community through Regional Collaboration'. HWPL, an international NGO, is commemorating a decade of global leaders and citizens' commitment to peace, with an eye towards future strategies for promoting global harmony. The event includes various sessions in different countries to gather regional talents and establish networks essential for tailored peace strategies, as well as partnerships with intergovernmental organizations G7+ and PALATINO to develop peace initiatives.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, HWPL World Peace Summit Marks 10th Anniversary with Global Celebrations and Regional Collaboration

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