Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 06, 2024

Florida Chapter of CCHR Recognized for Activism in Mental Health Rights Protection


  • CCHR was recognized as a finalist in the 2024 Impact Communications Awards for their work in protecting mental health human rights.
  • CCHR's PR and communications strategy involved investigative news stories and social media to expose mental health human rights abuses.
  • CCHR's efforts led to the passing of laws that helped reduce the number of Baker Acts in Florida, resulting in positive change to protect mental health human rights.
  • CCHR's grassroots movement and communications campaign reached tens of millions, resulting in positive change and the protection of mental health human rights.

Impact - Why it Matters

<p>The Florida chapter of CCHR's recognition in the 2024 Impact Communications Awards and their successful campaign to address coercive psychiatry and protect mental health human rights is a significant achievement. This news highlights the critical issue of involuntary psychiatric examination abuse and the positive impact of advocacy efforts in bringing about legislative change. It demonstrates the power of grassroots movements and the importance of protecting individual rights in the field of mental health.</p>


The Florida chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) was recognized as a finalist in the 2024 Impact Communications Awards for their work in protecting mental health human rights and addressing coercive psychiatry. The organization's efforts to expose the abuse of involuntary psychiatric examination, particularly under the controversial Baker Act in Florida, led to positive change and a reduction in the number of Baker Acts in the state. Diane Stein, the President for the Florida chapter of CCHR, spearheaded a PR and communications strategy that involved collaborating with like-minded organizations to create a grassroots movement, resulting in laws being passed to protect mental health human rights.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24-7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, Florida Chapter of CCHR Recognized for Activism in Mental Health Rights Protection

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