Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 09, 2024

Far East Gold Unearths High-Grade Gold and Extends Strike at Woyla's Victory Vein


  • Far East Gold Ltd CEO confirms high-grade gold findings at Woyla project, providing potential competitive advantage in the gold market.
  • Field mapping at Woyla tenure indicates an 18.5 km low-sulphidation epithermal gold vein system, offering a detailed understanding of the project.
  • The discovery of a 5.5 km gold vein system represents an opportunity for sustainable economic development in Indonesia, benefiting local communities.
  • The expansion of the Victory Vein to 18.5 km provides an exciting and educational opportunity for geology enthusiasts and investors.

Impact - Why it Matters

The news of Far East Gold's high-grade gold discovery and the extension of the gold vein system at Woyla's Victory Vein is significant as it indicates a promising exploration opportunity. Investors, stakeholders, and those interested in the mining industry should take note of this development as it could potentially impact the company's future performance and the broader mining sector as a whole.


Far East Gold Ltd CEO Shane Menere reports high-grade gold discovery at Woyla project in Indonesia, with an extended 18.5km gold vein system. The company is excited about the untested exploration opportunity at Victory Vein.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Far East Gold Unearths High-Grade Gold and Extends Strike at Woyla's Victory Vein

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