Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 03, 2024

Everclear Extends $NEXT Token Unlock Schedule


  • Everclear's extended token lock-up period provides a strategic advantage for long-term investors, ensuring sustained growth and stability.
  • The $NEXT token unlock schedule has been adjusted to extend the lock-up period, with a linear unlocking rate of 1/19 per month, concluding in June 2026.
  • The extension of the lock-up period for Everclear's $NEXT token aims to build trust, stabilize the ecosystem, and ensure sustainable growth for the community.
  • Everclear's new protocol launch and rebrand, backed by major investors, have been positively received, with the mainnet launch scheduled for the coming weeks.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters as it demonstrates Everclear's commitment to long-term vision and community alignment, impacting the stability and growth trajectory of the ecosystem.


Everclear, the first Clearing Layer for Web3, has adjusted the unlock schedule for its $NEXT token, extending the lock-up period and unlocking at a linear rate of 1/19 per month. The decision was made after careful consideration and discussions with key stakeholders to ensure long-term alignment. Everclear is backed by major investors and aims to maintain momentum and strengthen the community's interests. The extension is a commitment to the long-term vision of building the foundation of the Chain Abstraction stack.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by BlockchainWire. Read the source press release here, Everclear Extends $NEXT Token Unlock Schedule

blockchain registration record for the source press release.