Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
March 16, 2024

Elon Musk and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz File Lawsuit Against Microsoft and OpenAI


  • Elon Musk gains support in lawsuit against Microsoft and OpenAI, potentially gaining advantage in the legal battle.
  • Dr. Horowitz's amicus brief details the potential threats of AI to human extinction and how it is being leveraged by Microsoft.
  • Dr. Horowitz's motion aims to make the world a better place by addressing the risks of AI falling into the wrong hands and threatening human existence.
  • Dr. Horowitz's pioneering work in 'frequency therapeutics' using the 528 frequency sheds light on the potential risks of AI and its impact on human biofields and nature.

Impact - Why it Matters

The lawsuit and amicus brief highlight the potential risks of artificial intelligence falling into the wrong hands and the serious threats it poses to humanity. It also sheds light on the ongoing legal battle against OpenAI and Microsoft for mass theft of personal information, privacy violations, and consumer rights infringements. This news serves as a warning about the dangers of AI technology and the need for responsible development and usage.


Elon Musk and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz have filed a case against Microsoft and OpenAI, alleging breach of contract and unfair competition. Dr. Horowitz's amicus brief details the threats of artificial intelligence falling into the wrong hands, specifically Bill Gates, a staunch depopulationist. The brief covers the risks of AI and robotics in the wrong hands, discussing the potential extinction threat and the use of 528 frequency of sound and light central to life. It also mentions the ongoing lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft for mass theft of personal information and violations of privacy and consumer rights.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by 24/7 Press Release. Read the source press release here, Elon Musk and Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz File Lawsuit Against Microsoft and OpenAI

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