Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 24, 2024

D-Wave Partners with Staque to Drive Quantum Computing Adoption in the Middle East


  • Partnership between D-Wave Quantum Inc. and Staque aims to accelerate commercial adoption of annealing quantum computing across the Middle East.
  • D-Wave and Staque will collaborate to foster usage of quantum computing solutions for optimization and AI applications in the Middle East.
  • The partnership between D-Wave and Staque aims to redefine what's possible with technology, benefiting business and society through practical quantum applications.
  • D-Wave Quantum Inc. has announced a partnership with Staque to accelerate the commercial adoption of annealing quantum computing solutions across the Middle East.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it showcases the growing importance of quantum computing and AI in today's business landscape. The partnership between D-Wave and Staque could lead to significant advancements in optimization and AI applications, ultimately impacting businesses and industries in the Middle East and beyond.


D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE: QBTS) has announced a partnership with Staque to collaborate on quantum computing solutions for optimization and AI applications in the Middle East. The partnership aims to accelerate the commercial adoption of annealing quantum computing in the region. D-Wave's chief revenue officer, Lorenzo Martinelli, emphasized the importance of embracing advanced technologies like quantum computing and AI in today's competitive environment.

The announcement also highlighted D-Wave's position as a leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services, with a mission to unlock the power of quantum computing for practical applications across various industries.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by InvestorBrandNetwork (IBN). Read the source press release here, D-Wave Partners with Staque to Drive Quantum Computing Adoption in the Middle East

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