Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
April 09, 2024

Cooper Metals Makes Substantial Progress at Brumby Ridge, Assays Due Shortly


  • Cooper Metals Ltd making substantial progress at Brumby Ridge, with positive preliminary findings and 500 samples under analysis, giving potential advantage to investors.
  • The company completed a significant drilling campaign comprising 4 diamond drill holes, 5 RC drill holes, and has around 500 samples under analysis at a laboratory in Mount Isa.
  • The project's potential and extensive disseminated sulphides suggest a positive impact on the environment and the mining industry, aiming to further uncover the extent and grade of the mineralization at Brumby Ridge.
  • Cooper Metals' substantial progress at Brumby Ridge, with the completion of a significant drilling campaign and positive preliminary findings, is a promising development in the mining sector.

Impact - Why it Matters

The ongoing progress at the Brumby Ridge Project signifies the potential for significant mineralisation, which could impact the company's future prospects and the local mining industry. Investors, stakeholders, and the community at large should take note of the positive preliminary findings and the upcoming assay results, as they could have far-reaching implications for the company and the region's economy.


Cooper Metals Ltd (ASX:CPM) managing director Ian Warland reports significant progress at the Brumby Ridge Project in northwest Queensland, following a successful drilling campaign. The campaign involved diamond and reverse circulation (RC) drill holes, with results pending. Positive preliminary findings from the drilling, including extensive disseminated sulphides and a mineralised fault breccia zone, have sparked optimism about the project's potential. Despite weather-related pauses, the company is poised for further exploration and development to uncover the full potential of the project.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Cooper Metals Makes Substantial Progress at Brumby Ridge, Assays Due Shortly

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