Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
June 20, 2024

Coffee con Conchas: Celebrating Community and Connection in Sacramento


  • ACE Resource Network's 'Coffee con Conchas' event fosters community engagement, offering a competitive advantage in promoting brand visibility and social impact.
  • The event provided resources for healing from childhood trauma, including a community art project, meditation space, and bilingual content for wider accessibility.
  • The 'Together In Healing' campaign strengthens community ties and promotes emotional and mental well-being, making the world a better place by addressing childhood trauma.
  • The event 'Coffee con Conchas' brought together community leaders, media, and influencers to participate in immersive activities and engage with resources, creating a vibrant and inclusive environment.

Impact - Why it Matters

The 'Coffee con Conchas' event highlights the importance of community support and resources in addressing childhood trauma. It provides a platform for healing and resilience, bringing together leaders, influencers, and the community to engage in activities aimed at fostering emotional and mental well-being. The campaign's inclusive approach, offering resources in both English and Spanish, helps bridge cultural and generational gaps, strengthening community ties and ensuring a wider audience can benefit from valuable information.


ACE Resource Network hosted “Coffee con Conchas,” a celebration of community and connection, in downtown Sacramento last month as part of its ongoing campaign, Together in Healing. Based on current available data, the campaign has reached millions nationwide, including tens of thousands throughout the Sacramento community.

A vibrant event, Coffee con Conchas'' brought together community leaders, media, and influencers to participate in a variety of immersive activities and engage with resources curated to help support healing from childhood trauma.

Designed to provide a platform for community resilience and healing, the day included a community art project, space for meditation and quiet reflection, healing circles, and space for connecting in conversation. Attendees engaged in activities designed to help foster emotional and mental well-being, informed by Highlights of “Coffee con Conchas” can be viewed here:

The Together In Healing campaign offers resources in both English and Spanish. Much of the social media content for the campaign uses a combination of both languages. This inclusive approach ensures that a wider audience can benefit from the valuable information provided, helping to bridge cultural and generational gaps, and strengthen community ties.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Coffee con Conchas: Celebrating Community and Connection in Sacramento

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