Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
June 17, 2024

Cardiol Therapeutics Reports Positive Results from Phase II MAvERIC-Pilot Study


  • Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: CRDL) gained over +180% in stock price and announced positive Phase II MAvERIC-Pilot study results, solidifying its position in the biotech landscape.
  • Cardiol Therapeutics reported 8-week clinical data from its Phase II MAvERIC-Pilot study, showing significant reduction in pericarditis pain and inflammation among patients with recurrent pericarditis.
  • Cardiol Therapeutics' MAvERIC-Pilot study offers renewed hope to patients suffering from debilitating rare heart conditions, aiming to provide an accessible and non-immunosuppressive therapeutic option for thousands of pericarditis patients.
  • The Phase II MAvERIC-Pilot study revealed that patients treated with CardiolRx™ experienced a significant reduction in pericarditis pain, a substantial decrease in inflammation, and a high continuation rate into the study's extension phase.

Impact - Why it Matters

The groundbreaking results from Cardiol Therapeutics' Phase II study could revolutionize the treatment of recurrent pericarditis, providing a non-immunosuppressive therapeutic option for patients. This announcement signifies a potential breakthrough in addressing the critical need for effective treatments for recurrent pericarditis, offering hope to thousands of patients and potentially reducing the economic burden of healthcare costs.


Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: CRDL) (TSX: CRDL) has announced positive topline results from its Phase II MAvERIC-Pilot study, marking another milestone in a year of remarkable achievements. The study focused on the impact of CardiolRx™ on patients with symptomatic recurrent pericarditis, a debilitating rare heart condition. The results revealed a significant reduction in pain and inflammation, paving the way for a potential Phase III trial and offering renewed hope to thousands of pericarditis patients.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Cardiol Therapeutics Reports Positive Results from Phase II MAvERIC-Pilot Study

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