Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
June 25, 2024 Launches New Podcast on Breakthrough Addiction Therapies


  • expands focus to mental health, wellness, and longevity, launching 'Psychedelic Breakthrough Addiction Therapy' podcast hosted by Deborah Mash, PhD.
  • Deborah Mash's new podcast explores cutting-edge research on Ibogaine as a potential addiction treatment, providing hope for those struggling with substance abuse.
  • The podcast offers accurate and reliable information on psychedelic therapies, aiming to make a difference in the lives of those suffering from addiction.
  • Psychedelic Breakthrough Addiction Therapy podcast sheds light on groundbreaking therapies like Ibogaine, discussing their potential to transform the lives of those suffering from addiction.

Impact - Why it Matters

This news matters because it sheds light on the growing interest in psychedelic medicines as potential treatments for addiction. The podcast aims to provide valuable information and insight into these promising therapies, with the goal of educating and inspiring the public about the renaissance of psychedelic therapy for addiction treatment.

Summary has expanded its focus to include mental health and addiction therapies, launching a new podcast hosted by neuroscientist Deborah Mash, PhD. The show will explore breakthrough addiction therapies, with a focus on psychedelic medicines and alternative approaches. The first six episodes will delve into Ibogaine, a promising treatment for addiction. Mash, a leading expert in addiction neuroscience, will bring her extensive knowledge and academic experience to the podcast.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, Launches New Podcast on Breakthrough Addiction Therapies

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