Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 25, 2024

Blue Innovation Day 2024: Promoting Ocean and Water Sustainability


  • Blue Innovation Day 2024 offers a chance to explore cutting-edge underwater robots and sustainable energy solutions, providing a competitive edge in ocean sustainability awareness.
  • Blue Innovation Day 2024 will showcase over 40 interactive exhibits and activities focused on ocean sustainability, including workshops addressing critical environmental issues.
  • Blue Innovation Day 2024 aims to promote awareness of ocean and water sustainability through innovative technologies and creative solutions, making the world a better place for future generations.
  • Blue Innovation Day 2024 will feature unique ocean artwork, sea life tours, and a scavenger hunt, providing an interesting and educational experience for all attendees.

Impact - Why it Matters

This event is an opportunity for the public to engage with innovative solutions for ocean and water sustainability, as well as to learn about critical environmental issues. It provides a platform for showcasing cutting-edge technologies and creative solutions that have the potential to impact the future of environmental protection.


Blue Innovation Day 2024, hosted by Santa Cruz Works, UC Santa Cruz, and Seymour Marine Discovery Center, will feature over 40 exhibits promoting ocean and water sustainability through innovative technologies and creative solutions. The event will showcase underwater robots, energy generated from ocean waves, ocean artwork, 3D-printed surfboards, and whale bones created using recycled plastics. Workshops will address critical environmental issues such as sea level rise, coastal erosion, and sustainable fisheries. Verdagy, a green hydrogen company, will lead a session showcasing their innovative solutions for clean energy.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by Read the source press release here, Blue Innovation Day 2024: Promoting Ocean and Water Sustainability

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