Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
September 11, 2024
BioRestorative Therapies Sees Progress in Clinical Trials and Expands into Commercialization of BioCosmeceuticals
- BioRestorative's promising diabetes and obesity treatment program could capitalize on a $100 billion market for obesity drugs by 2030.
- BioRestorative's patented stem cell therapy aims to treat chronic lumbar disc disease and is expanding its preclinical program for ThermoStem®.
- BioRestorative's potential diabetes and obesity treatment could improve the lives of millions and reduce healthcare costs for those suffering from these conditions.
- BioRestorative's research and clinical trials are paving the way for groundbreaking stem cell therapies to address prevalent health issues like diabetes and obesity.
Impact - Why it Matters
This news matters because it highlights the significant advancements made by BioRestorative Therapies in its clinical trials and the potential impact of its treatment program on addressing obesity and diabetes, which are prevalent health issues with a substantial market opportunity. The company's progress in expanding its commercialization efforts also indicates potential future growth and profitability.
BioRestorative Therapies (NASDAQ: BRTX) has issued a second quarter 2024 business update, sharing promising progress in its clinical trials for treating chronic lumbar disc disease and its expansion into the commercialization of its BioCosmeceuticals business. Moreover, the company is developing a treatment program to address obesity and diabetes using its ThermoStem platform.
Source Statement
This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, BioRestorative Therapies Sees Progress in Clinical Trials and Expands into Commercialization of BioCosmeceuticals