Curated News
By: NewsRamp Editorial Staff
March 27, 2024

Benchmark International Facilitates Sale of A&B Concrete Coring Company to A-Core Concrete Specialists


  • A-Core's acquisition of A&B Concrete Coring gives them a broader service mix, enhancing their competitive edge in the concrete cutting industry.
  • The successful sale involved Benchmark International's multi-medium marketing strategies, finding a buyer with industry experience and the right cultural fit for the sellers.
  • The acquisition allows A&B to continue serving its clients with high-quality concrete services, ensuring the company's legacy and commitment to its customers.
  • A&B Concrete Coring's acquisition by A-Core combines two family-owned businesses with similar cultures, expanding their range of concrete cutting services.

Impact - Why it Matters

The sale of A&B Concrete Coring Company to A-Core Concrete Specialists marks a successful transaction that brings together two family-owned businesses with similar cultures. This acquisition allows A-Core to expand its service mix, providing a complete solution for any concrete cutting service. The successful completion of this sale demonstrates the value of finding the right buyer with the help of experienced M&A professionals.


Benchmark International facilitated the sale of A&B Concrete Coring Company to A-Core Concrete Specialists. A&B, a family-owned business, specializes in concrete demolition and cutting services in the south-central United States. A-Core, also a family-owned business, provides a complete range of commercial and residential concrete services. The transaction was successfully completed with the help of Benchmark International's multi-medium marketing strategies.

Source Statement

This curated news summary relied on this press release disributed by News Direct. Read the source press release here, Benchmark International Facilitates Sale of A&B Concrete Coring Company to A-Core Concrete Specialists

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